Featured News
Research Finds Effectiveness Of Radar And Bed Sensors To Help Keep Seniors Safe
Monitoring technology helps health providers detect problems early. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Institute For Patient Safety Takes Aim At Reducing Medical Error
Collaborative institute to focus on patient safety issues and preventable medical errors. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Quiz Your Staff With Mobile Apps
Gamification is making learning new protocols easier according to experts who use mobile quizzes to increase information retention among hospital staff. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Medical Error Is The Third Leading Cause Of Patient Death
Study finds only heart disease and cancer caused more deaths than medical errors. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Robotic Compounding Of Medications Helps Improve Patient Safety
Using robotic systems for sterile IV therapies improves safety and compliance, reduces waste. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Artificial Intelligence Reduces Hospital Admissions
Research reveals benefits of integrating machine learning into remote monitoring. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
CMS Launches Medicaid Interoperability Initiative
Move is anticipated to increase provider connectivity and improve sustainability of HIEs. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Healthcare Miscommunication Costs 2,000 Lives And $1.7 Billion
Total numbers are probably higher according to new research. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
CONNECT Bill Would Extend Telehealth Services Via Medicare
The bipartisan bill would help providers meet the goals of MACRA with telehealth options. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
5 Steps To Take Following A Needlestick
According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 385,000 sharps-related injuries occur annually in the U.S. healthcare industry — an average of more than 1,000 per day. A sharps-related injury is a penetrating stab wound from a needle, scalpel, or other sharp object that may result in exposure to blood or body fluids. By Dave Hurton, Key Account Director, MedSafe