Uncover Technology Strategies That Can Tranform Healthcare In October
Please join us for a series of leadership webcasts that address new models of delivering care using health IT as an enabler. Explore emerging infrastructure solutions that facilitate team-based care and real-time coordination across specialties, locations and skill sets.
Attend all three leadership webcasts or focus on a specific webcast that addresses your most pressing concerns. You will have an opportunity to ask questions of the panelists at the end of each webcast.
October 4 — The Healthcare IT Innovation Imperative
- William F. Bria II, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer, Shriners Hospital for Children
- Eric Dishman, PhD, Intel Fellow and Global Director of Health Innovation and Policy, Intel Corporation
- Marc Lange, Secretary General of EHTEL, European Health Telematics Association
- Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
October 5 — Enabling Collaborative Healthcare Delivery: Care Coordination Strategies with 21st Century Technology
- John Mattison, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer, Kaiser Permanente, Southern California
- Jennifer Mensik, PhD, RN, Administrator, Nursing and Patient Care Services, St. Luke's Health System
- Jared S. Quoyeser, MHA, Director of Healthcare Marketing, Intel Americas, Intel Corporation
- Ben C. Wilson, MBA, MPH, Director Global Healthcare Strategy, Intel Corporation and Co-Chair Accountable Care CoP
October 6 — Where Information and Care Meet: Secure Mobile Healthcare Solutions that Drive Care Coordination
- Mark Blatt, MD, MBA, Worldwide Medical Director, Intel Corporation
- Michael S. Blum, MD, Professor of Medicine, Chief Medical Information Officer, University of California, San Francisco
- Liz Johnson, VP of Applied Clinical Informatics at Tenet Healthcare Corporation
- John R. LeMoine, MD, FACP, System Medical Director, Sharp Healthcare
Register for the Summit now and join the Intel Premier IT Professionals community.
October 4-6, 2011
2:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m. PDT
Intel Corporation